Designing company logos: channel your inner child​

designing company logos by doodling on paper

Remember how many band, TV show, car, and product logos you doodled on the cover of your notebooks during math and social studies classes? How those images were burned into your brain? That’s the effect you want your company logo to have with potential customers.

Effective writing for website and email content

effective website and email writing on a computer

The next time you have to create digital content, listen to that part of your brain that says, “Just get this over with.” It’s the right impulse and will help your messaging be more effective.

How big of a website do I need?

person with website on laptop computer drinking a cup of coffee

You know your business needs a website, but how big and complex should it be? Answering a few questions first will help you decide.

How to get your business on Google for free

A free Google business profile

It’s a common question: “How do I get my business to show up on Google?” Fortunately there’s an answer, and it’s probably easier than you think. It should be your first digital marketing step.

Get help with online marketing

woman in thought about online marketing

Online marketing should be the core of your business plan. It’s OK to ask for for branding, website design, email campaign, and social media help.